Watch for the marksman on the rooftop (hollow red circle on the above illustration). Once downstairs, more enemies will spawn at the billboard (you can trigger them and leave your team at the top to deal with them or vice versa - your choice). Use their line of sight and the tac-map to get your bearings and snipe enemies. They will automatically fire on enemies in range if they seem them. Instead, have your team sit near (not on) the rappel to fast rope points. The roof has one way down don't zip down that quickly. There should be a supply crate near this area refill if you have the need to, as you cannot return to this supply area. Clear out the room, then blast the sniper holding the SV-98 at the next rooftop. By now, the undercover agent should be compromised by the time you hit the fan/ventilation room. Work through the rooftop and the next roof. If you are using the SR25-SD as recommended, none of the enemies should be alerted if your hits are true. The next batch of enemies do not appear until someone approaches the door to the next rooftop, or climbs the ladder to the roof.Īt the top of the rooftop, silent snipe the terrorist using the Skorpion, then across the way at the snipers on the fire escape. Take them out loud or silent as you like. The building has two enemies in the room and two outside one will be on the lower floor and one may sometimes stray to the fast rope at the skylight.

Between both versions of detection, enemies do not stand a chance. The tac-map will now reveal all - just stop and use the thermal scan if you cannot see. Put on a suppressor (or not, if you know whent the guys inside the building spawn) and drop the enemy at the top of the ladder. So long as you continue (not Scene Select) on Story Mode, you keep going on your Story Mission and earn any entitlements. Notice you can quit to the main menu after getting any checkpoint, go into the "My Character" menu and re-outfit yourself at any time. You can re-outfit yourself if you like (no reason to).