Long war 2 compatible mods
Long war 2 compatible mods

But for all the flaws I wish critics would've at least pointed out, I did learn to appreciate (most of) it. It's actually very easy for me to not recommend Long War 2 to anyone except the die-est of hards. Considering that Long War 2 introduced countless new bugs, revamped the campaign to almost literally take forever (I am 30 hours in and am still not in the endgame), the highest end machines can crumble under it's poor optimization, attempts to increase the difficulty to some very artificial and divisive ways (they straight up removed aim bonuses for tactical angles on shots for instance If you're standing right next to a guy you can have 15% chance to hit because he is technically in full cover) and has lots of other misgivings. PC Gamer called it 'a must play reinvention of XCOM 2' and such.

long war 2 compatible mods

It received universal praise, something with which I heavily disagreed. Long War 2 has been highly anticipated and it released sort of out of nowhere about a week ago. The short story is that Long War was a total conversion mod for Enemy Within and the creators of said mod were announced to be developing more mods for XCOM 2.

Long war 2 compatible mods