Game of thrones the stormlands
Game of thrones the stormlands

Storm's End surrendered and Aegon ennobled Orys, giving him Argilac's lands, castle and daughter to rule. The Storm King, Argilac the Arrogant, could have withstood siege indefinitely within Storm's End's mighty walls, but chose instead to give battle. When Aegon Targaryen and his army invaded Westeros during the War of Conquest, Aegon sent his bastard half-brother Orys Baratheon to secure the Stormlands.

game of thrones the stormlands game of thrones the stormlands

It was originally a sovereign nation known as the Storm Kingdom, until Aegon the Conqueror united Westeros under his rule. They are so-named for the savage and frequent storms from the Narrow Sea that batter the coast. The Stormlands are traditionally ruled from the castle of Storm's End, formerly by House Baratheon. It is located on the south east coast of the continent of Westeros, on the shores of the Narrow Sea, south of the Crownlands and north of Dorne. The Stormlands is one of the nine constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms. The storms that blow through the bay water the kingswood and rainwood, two of the great forests of Westeros, and they give the Stormlands their name." ― Brienne of Tarth You would never be guessed that such a vision is only a sheath hiding the blade of Shipbreaker Bay, with it's treacherous tides, unpredictable gales and sharp rocks lurking just below the water's surface. Our lush island sits on calm blue water like an emerald set into a sapphire. " Tarth has lulled many a novice sailor into complacency.

Game of thrones the stormlands